The Forum on Mining and Critical raw materials developments takes place in Astana in Kazakhstan

MINEX Kazakhstan, the most significant Forum on mining and critical raw materials developments in Central Asia, is taking place in Astana on 19-20 April. The event is organised under the theme “Managing natural resources to accelerate national development” and attracted over 500 delegates, including industry experts, government officials, and business leaders from 224 companies and organisations from 30 countries.
With more than 90 speakers and over 50 exhibitors, the Forum facilitates the exchange between industry experts, government officials, and business leaders on growth and progress drivers in the mining and geological industry in Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia.
The Forum’s agenda covers various topics including efficient technologies for forecasting and exploration of mineral deposits, developing Kazakhstan’s critical metals and materials potential, unlocking Kazakhstan’s mineral potential with advanced technologies and investment solutions, green transformation, climate and ESG management, and creating a favorable business climate for sustainable development and investment in the mining industry.
Summary of the First Day of the Forum
The mining and metals industry in Kazakhstan plays a significant role in the country’s economy, accounting for 17.5% of its GDP and generating around $10.5 billion in exports as of 2021. The industry employs more than 273,000 people, making it an important source of employment. Large foreign businesses contribute a third of all taxes in Kazakhstan. In 2021, tax revenues to the state budget increased by 25%, with the extractive industries experiencing the highest growth due to rising prices in global commodity markets. However, despite an inflow of 11.7% foreign investment in the mining industry in 2022, growth in the sector has decreased. The sector faces challenges due to outdated technology and management practices, which can be traced back to Soviet times.
Kazakhstan’s priorities, and programs for the development of the mining and geological industries are presented at the Forum by senior executives and experts including.
Iran Sharkhan, Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Almas Aidarov, Deputy Minister. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhanat Karibayev, Chairman of the Board, National Geological Service
Bakyt Chirchikbayev, Chairman of the Board, National Mining Company “Tau-Ken Samruk”
Nikolay Radostovets, Executive Director, Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
Georgy Freiman, Chairman, NGO “Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts” (PONEN)”
Kaisar Kozhamuratov, Partner, Aurora Minerals Group
Almat Daumov, Partner, GRATA International law firm
Timur Odilov, Partner, Haller Lomax and many others.
In addition to the plenary and technical sessions, the Forum also includes a special session on “Developing Kazakhstan’s Critical Metals and Materials Potential”. In terms of potential in mining and exporting critical raw materials, Kazakhstan ranks fourth worldwide, while in aluminum it is among the top 10. Stimulated by global demand for international investment and technologies, Kazakhstan is poised to become a strategic supplier of battery metals and other critical materials to the Global markets.
The new role of Kazakhstan in the EU “Green Deal” as a new strategic supplier of strategic raw materials and green hydrogen at the session is presented by Robert Tomas, Policy Official, European Commission, DG GROW – Raw Materials.
Prospects for the discovery of new deposits of strategic metals and minerals in Kazakhstan are being addressed by a high-level panel of experts and mining executives including:
Mike Beare, Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering), SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
Mark Chesher, Executive Lead – Business Development, AMC Consultants
Tremain Woods, Deputy Director, MSA-Minerals Consulting
Vitaliy Logachev, Technical Director, Kounrad Copper Company | Central Asia Metals
Roman Vakulchuk, Head of Centre for Energy Research, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Alongside the mainstream sessions, MINEX Kazakhstan Forum hosts open events aimed at mining investors, and operations executives and managers.
The program of the open events begins with the master class “Geological and structural mapping as the basis for forecasting and searching mineral Deposits” organised by IGT Group.
The second open master class “I got my exploration license…..what next?” is presented by SRK Consulting.
The program of the open events concluded with the business track session of the presentation of technologies for optimisation of exploration of mineral and metals deposits.
The First day of the Forum concludes with the networking drinks reception bringing together over 600 delegates and guests.
Forum materials
Presented materials and video recordings of the mainstream sessions, master classes and open business tracks will be published after the 5th of May and disseminated to the Forum participants
For further information please contact MINEX Forum Secretariat
E-mail: Tel: +7 717 269 68 36