The open master class organised by SRK Consulting

The open master class organised by SRK Consulting

14:00– 15:30 / 19 April 2023 (UTC +6 Nur Sultan)  - Sary Arka 2

I got my exploration license…..what next?

Main Topics:

• Where is it? Deciphering Soviet coordinates
• What is it? Translating soviet metal assemblages into minerals systems based metallogenic models in order to identify the optimal exploration tools
• What does the geology map tell me? How to compare and translate Soviet into western geological conventions and terminology
• How much do I need to spend, and how to get the best value out of this expenditure? Typical first-year minimal exploration expenditure requirements, and an overview of ground geology, geochemistry and geophysics should be completed prior to planning drilling.
• What if I don’t have an experienced field team? Overview of remote sensing surveys (spectral and geophysical) that can be conducted in the first year to fulfill expenditure requirements and position oneself better for drilling.
• What do I need to prepare prior to drilling to comply with international exploration best practices? Introduction to geochemical QA-QC, types and sources of CRM.
• Can I bring in more rigs to speed up a discovery? The advantages of drilling less yet more intelligent and efficient metres, and what is required to get the best value out of drilling campaigns in Kazakhstan.

Who should attend:

This master class was designed to provide key information and insight to new and seasoned Kazakhstan exploration geologists and investors.

Mike Beare
Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

14:00 - I got my exploration license....What next?

Anna Fonseca
Principal Consultant (Geology)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

14:30 - I got my exploration license....What next?

Anna Fardell
Senior Resource Geologist
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

15:00 - I got my exploration license....What next?

Mike Beare
Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)