Anna Fonseca


Principal Consultant (Geology)
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

Anna has nearly 30 years of international experience in regional to property scale structural and alteration analysis, mapping and 3D modelling, interpretations of remote sensing data, and exploration target generation in various hydrothermal deposit styles with an emphasis on porphyry-epithermal, carbonate replacement, skarn, and IOCG styles of mineralization. She has taught field and classroom based applied structural and alteration mapping courses in university, conferences, and in industry. Since 2019 Anna has been based in Kazakhstan and focusing her consulting work on deciphering the complex geometry and deformation history of Central Asian metal deposits and prospects.

The open master class organised by SRK Consulting
19 April 2023 / 14:00 - 15:30 | Sary Arka 2

I got my exploration license....What next?

• Where is it? Deciphering Soviet coordinates
• What are my environmental obligations?
• What is it? Translating soviet metal assemblages into minerals systems based metallogenic models to identify the optimal exploration tools.
• What historical exploration data do I have the right to obtain, and from where?
• What does the geology map tell me? How to compare and translate Soviet into western geological conventions and terminology.
• How much do I need to spend, and how to get the best value out of this expenditure? Typical first year minimal exploration expenditure requirements, and overview of ground geology, geochemistry and geophysics that should be completed prior to planning drilling.
• What if I don’t have an experienced field team? Overview of remote sensing surveys (spectral and geophysical) that can be conducted in the first year to fulfill expenditure requirements and position oneself better for drilling.
• What do I need to prepare prior to drilling to comply to international exploration best practices? Introduction to geochemical quality control protocols and certified reference materials.
• Can I bring in more rigs to speed up a discovery? The advantages of drilling less yet more intelligent and efficient metres, and what is required to get best value out of drilling campaigns in Kazakhstan.