Construction of a hydrometallurgical plant for the production of cathode copper in East Kazakhstan region

Source: Kazakh Invest
- Indicator Results
- Investment amount, thousand US dollars 25 643
- NPV of the Project thousand, US dollars 24 396
- IRR, % 45,6%
- IBITDA yield, % 41%
- Payback period, years 3,9
- Discounted payback period, years - - 4,4
Project Description:
Construction of an industrial complex for the production of copper cathode with a capacity of 5,000 tons per year (the “Project”).
cathode copper (the content of pure metal is not less than 99.99%).
5000 tons of copper cathode per year.
Production process:
mining is open-pit; processing is heap leaching, selective extraction and electrolysis.
Potential sales markets:
Kazakhstan, China, Russia.
Market prerequisites:
Large reserves of copper.
Kazakhstan ranks 6th in the world in terms of copper reserves with a share of 4.7% of world reserves (36.6 million tons).
High demand.
It is expected that the stable growth in demand for refined copper will continue in the coming years, since copper is the most important resource for the modern technological society. Demand for refined copper is projected to grow by 2.99% in 2018 and by 2.15% in 2019.
Price growth.
World prices for refined copper are showing an upward trend due to an increase in demand for this product as a result of the stabilization of the world economy. According to forecasts, a moderate increase in copper prices is expected: in 2020 − 6997 US dollars, in 2021-7250 US dollars per ton.
Export potential.
The shortage of products “plates, sheets and strips or strips of copper” indicates the presence of potential for import substitution. Kazakhstan also has the opportunity to increase exports to China and other countries.
Reserves of the Ai-Karaaul field Protocol of the Vostkaznedra ICZ
Indicator | Open-pit mining | Underground mining | |
Oxidized ores |
Sulfide ores |
Sulfide ores |
Copper, thousand tons | 17,79 | 23,75 | 16,92 |
Copper content, % | 1,48 | 1,89 | 1,56 |
Silver, tons | 2,6 | 8,8 | 6,9 |
Content, g / ton | 2,21 | 7,01 | 6,42 |