Zhandos Abishev
NPP RK Atameken
Abishev Zhandos Zhantoreevich, born in 1964 Advisor to the Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE RK Atameken. Metallurgical engineer. Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in Physical and Chemical Research of Metallurgical Processes, in 1990 - full-time postgraduate studies at the All-Union Institute "Mekhanobr", St. Petersburg, with a degree in Mineral Processing, in 1993 - United Vienna Institute of International Economics, majoring in International Economics.
Has experience in research and design organizations of mining and metallurgical profile, such as: Institute of Metallurgy (Moscow), Mekhanobr (St. Petersburg), Kazmekhanobr (Almaty), Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment (Almaty) ).
He was the head of a number of production and service mining and metallurgical enterprises: the company "Ziyal", Almaty (engineering and innovation), the company "Ferrosilicoaluminum of Kazakhstan", Astana (production of ferroalloys), the company "BzARTI - Kazakhstan", Karaganda (exploration and mining of copper ores), etc.
Has experience in foreign economic activity. Worked in the company "Waldham-Vidimpex GmbH", Vienna (financing of industrial projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Austrian and German state credit lines, 1992-1993), adviser in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Office, Geneva (the accession of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organization, international economics and trade, 1996-2002), in the company "Hilltec Development", Hong Kong (2007-2008), in the investment fund "Huili Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.", Beijing (attracting foreign investment in mining projects, 2014-2018).
From July 2009 to July 2014, he was the Director for Management of Mining and Industrial (Mining and Metallurgical) Assets of National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC and supervised the activities of such national companies as National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC, Tau-Ken Samruk National Mining Company, Kazgeology National Exploration Company JSC, Kazakhstan Engineering National Company JSC and United Chemical Company LLP.
He was elected a member of the Boards of Directors, Supervisory and Scientific and Technical Councils of the above organizations, as well as a member of the Boards of Directors of Parasat National Scientific and Technological Holding JSC and Astana Innovations JSC. He was and is a member of government and ministerial expert and working groups in various areas related to the industrial, mining, metallurgical, chemical and nuclear industries, scientific and technological, engineering and innovation fields.
Participated in a number of major international conferences, including the meetings of the World Economic Forum, Davos, the WTO Conferences, y.g. Geneva and Singapore, in international mining and metallurgical, industrial and economic congresses in the city. Geneva, Lausanne, Glasgow, Turin, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almaty, Astana, etc.
Corresponding member of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences and the Kazakhstan Mining Academy, author of 17 patents and copyright certificates of the USSR, RF and RK. Has the diplomatic rank of 1st Secretary. Speaks English and German.
He is the chairman of the Expert Group on the development of the mining and metallurgical complex under the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kazakhstan Welding Association "KazWeld" (since the date of foundation in 2011), the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company "BzARTI - Kazakhstan".
Candidate for Master of Sports of the USSR in Chess, First Vice President of the Chess Federation of Astana (from May 2022), Vice President - Executive Director (from 2020 to 2021), Vice President (from 2011 to 2020) d) of the Kazakhstan Chess Federation, member of the Commission for holding international competitions of the International Chess Federation FIDE (since 2018). International chess organizer, director of the team World Chess Championships among men and women (Nur-Sultan, March 2019), member of the Appeal Committee of the World Chess Championship among schoolchildren (Antalya, April 2019), participant in the FIDE seminar for international chess organizers (Antalya, April 2019), director of individual championships of the Republic of Kazakhstan among men and women (Almaty, December 2020).
Awarded with state medals "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", has government and corporate awards, commendations and diplomas.
Subsoil development as a driver of economic growth in Kazakhstan
The main goal of developing the National Priority should be to give a fresh, modern and powerful impetus to the development of the mining and metallurgical complex as a new "old" driver of the country's economic growth for the coming years and decades.
In addition, the integrated approach we propose, if our proposal is accepted, will help, in our opinion, to balance the relevant efforts for the interaction of industry business with responsible CSOs.
We believe that all this will become the most important factor in increasing investment attractiveness, a significant influx of investments into the subsoil use industry (hard minerals and mining), will lead to GDP growth both in the industry and in the entire economy of Kazakhstan.
Long-term targets for the new National Priority could be financial revenues in relevant industries.
In terms of solid minerals (solid minerals and mining and metallurgical minerals), these are revenues:
- in the mining industry; And
- in the metallurgical industry.
At the same time, the strategic target indicator (KPI) of the Government could be the permanent presence of Kazakhstan in the 9 countries of the world according to the indicated indicators (benchmarks).
This would fully correspond to the great potential of our country with its vast territory and significant, but not fully realized wealth of its mineral resources, in the interests of all the people of Kazakhstan.