Sergey Petrov
Executive Director
group of companies "LIMS"
Graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Geochemistry.
In 1998 he defended his thesis with the award of the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
After graduation, he worked for 20 years at the Mechanobr Institute, where he took part in 70 projects that dealt with various aspects of the study of technological properties and the development of schemes for the enrichment of various types of mineral raw materials. Since 1999, he has been working as an associate professor at the Faculty of Geology of St. Petersburg State University, where he develops methods for studying the material composition of ores and their technological properties, lectures (courses "Economics of Mineral raw materials", "Technological Mineralogy", "Geological and economic assessment of mineral deposits", etc.) and expert activities.
Mineralogical criteria of ore-bearing granitoid massifs
At the exploratory stage of geological exploration, the question of ranking areas for setting priority works often arises. The assessment of the typomorphic characteristics of a number of secondary and accessory minerals of granite massifs (apatite, titanite, zircon, biotite, etc.) allows us to draw unambiguous conclusions about the nature of the ore content of these complexes and individual phases of introduction. Analysis of the characteristics of the chemical composition of minerals allows us to draw quantitative conclusions about the prospects of the compared areas.