Open Geology
Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, specializing in geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny. Rosgeolexpertiza, member of the Eurasian Union of Subsoil Use Experts (ESOEN), founder and CEO of the Open Geology group of companies. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Department of Geology. More than 20 years of experience in research, education, design and production areas related to the geology of mineral deposits, prospecting and exploration of deposits. Scientific interests and field of activity. Forecasting, prospecting and exploration of deposits of solid minerals, including highly liquid solid minerals (diamonds, gold, PGM, etc.). Development and implementation of modern integrated forecasting and search solutions. Actual issues of mining law and economics of mineral resources. Modern information technologies in the field of development of mineral deposits. Research, expert and advisory activities in the field of subsoil use. Regions, areas of scientific interests and works: Fenoscandia (Finland, Sweden, North-West of Russia), Urals, Kazakhstan, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region, Far East. Author of 25 scientific publications, as well as more than 20 exploration projects and production reports.
Experience in solving search problems for ore minerals
The report briefly outlines the results of applying integrated prospecting solutions using geochemical and geophysical methods in the search for ore deposits in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The report highlights the main difficulties, ways to optimize the search strategy and key success factors.