Howden Development Director
Mine Ventilation Director with business development experience in manufacturing companies of industrial rotating equipment, components and digital systems. He worked in the largest international market leaders: KSB, Howden, Sulzer, Aggreko and was responsible for the supply of complex technological and power equipment for leading industrial companies in the oil, mining and chemical industries. He has a master's degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in fluid and gas dynamics, hydraulic machines.
Underground ventilation: digitalization, innovation, energy efficiency
Digitalization of production and business processes, increased energy efficiency, social responsibility for the environment and safety of personnel are global trends followed by the largest manufacturing companies.
In underground mining operations, ventilation plays a key role in these factors.
The ventilation system is the most energy intensive in the mine. It can account for up to 75% of total electricity consumption. At the same time, the issue of energy efficiency of fans is raised very rarely, as a result of which the fans operate inefficiently, consuming up to 55% of excess electricity. Errors in the selection of fans, incorrect operation and lack of regulation also affect the decrease in energy efficiency.
An improperly organized ventilation system does not provide a safe low concentration of toxic substances even if there are a sufficient number of fans of the required power, which affects the health of personnel and labor productivity. In addition, errors in the organization of ventilation can lead to an increase in clean-up time after blasting and a decrease in production volumes.
When using air heaters, the amount of fuel burned is directly proportional to the air flow through the air heater. That is, each cubic meter of air supplied to the mine in excess of the required one entails additional fuel costs and additional emissions of combustion products into the atmosphere. Inefficient electricity consumption is also a factor in the environmental impact on the environment.
Innovating mine ventilation control is the key to taking your business to the next level.