Small industrial zones will be launched in Kazakhstan

Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Marat Karabayev, spoke about measures to implement the President’s orders during a government meeting chaired by the Prime Minister.
According to Karabayev, the Ministry has begun implementing the President’s orders given during the opening session of the Parliament on March 29 of this year. To improve the legislation in the field of geology, a package of amendments to the existing legislation is planned to be introduced. These amendments provide for rational and comprehensive use of subsoil during the exploration and extraction of solid minerals, granting exclusive rights to transition from geological exploration to exploration and mining, as well as simplifying the procedure for issuing licenses through digitization of the industry.
It is expected that this will ensure transparency and openness in the mechanism of providing licenses. As for the order regarding industrialization, localization of production, and modernization of infrastructure, it should be noted that by 2029, more than 800 investment projects are planned to be put into operation, creating about 147,000 jobs. Notably, projects in the fields of engineering, construction, light industry, and metallurgy are mainly focused on deepening localization and producing goods with high added value.” To provide the necessary infrastructure for implemented projects, small industrial zones will be launched. In turn, funds are provided through the Industrial Development Fund,” assured the head of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, M. Karabayev.
Speaking about increasing the added value of extracted resources, it should be noted that this order will be implemented within the framework of the Law “On Industrial Policy,” which provides for norms to ensure domestic raw materials for domestic processors at an affordable price. In addition, a pool of 20 projects has been formed, which will allow for increased deep processing of raw materials and production of finished products. Thus, by 2029, it is planned to increase the domestic processing of aluminium by 5 times, lead by 4 times, and copper by 13 times.”In many cities, there is a severe shortage of basic infrastructure, such as roads, power lines, gas pipelines, and so on. In this regard, I propose to adopt a National Infrastructure Plan aimed at forming a sustainable infrastructure framework for the country,” the President’s order states.
According to the head of the department, a working group of representatives from interested state and local executive bodies will be created to develop the National Infrastructure Plan.”In order to improve the quality of life of the population and solve the main problems of infrastructure development, the Plan will provide for basic infrastructure projects. The National Plan will be aimed at solving problems not only in the social and communal spheres but also at meeting the growing demand for energy resources of newly introduced industrial facilities,” summed up Marat Karimzhanovich.