Kazakhstan began to sell less aluminum and copper abroad

At the beginning of this year, there was a decrease in the supply of ferroalloys and copper from Kazakhstan to China. In the infographic, LS looks at metal exports.
In January 2023, Kazakhstan sold 20.5% less ferroalloys compared to January 2022. Only exports to China decreased by 45.2% ($18.9 million). A similar picture was observed in Russia – a decrease of 7.8% ($10.9 million), and in Japan – by 4.7% ($94.2 million).
Kazakhstan began to supply 9.2 times less aluminum abroad. In Turkey, there was a reduction of 11.5 times ($257.8 thousand), in Uzbekistan – 3.1 times ($742 thousand), in Russia – 2.1 times ($1 million).
Sales of refined copper in January fell by 35.3% ($227 million). If exports to China decreased by half ($127.8 million), then to Turkey, on the contrary, an increase of 41.6% ($49.7 million) was observed.
Deliveries of raw lead fell by 50% ($6.8 million). In January of this year, Spain and the Netherlands, which were buyers last year, dropped out of the list. But sales to Vietnam grew six times ($27.8 million), Turkey – 1.8 times ($678.1 thousand).
For more information on exporting, see the infographic.