SRK Master Class “I got my exploration license…..what next?”

On April 19th, SRK Consulting will be holding an open master class at the MINEX Kazakhstan forum in Astana titled “I got my exploration license…what next?” The master class will cover a range of essential topics for successful exploration in Kazakhstan.
One of the main topics covered will be deciphering Soviet coordinates and translating Soviet metal assemblages into minerals systems based metallogenic models. This is an important step in identifying the optimal exploration tools for a particular site. Attendees will also learn how to compare and translate Soviet geological conventions and terminology into western conventions.
Another important topic covered in the master class will be the typical first year minimal exploration expenditure requirements, as well as an overview of ground geology, geochemistry, and geophysics that should be completed prior to planning drilling. The class will also provide an overview of remote sensing surveys that can be conducted in the first year to fulfill expenditure requirements and position oneself better for drilling.
Attendees will also learn about the importance of preparing prior to drilling to comply with international exploration best practices. This will include an introduction to geochemical QA-QC, types, and sources of CRM. Finally, the master class will cover the advantages of drilling less yet more intelligent and efficient meters, and what is required to get the best value out of drilling campaigns in Kazakhstan.
This master class is designed to provide key information and insight to both new and seasoned Kazakhstan exploration geologists and investors. By attending this master class, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the exploration process and will be better equipped to make informed decisions about exploration in Kazakhstan.