Executive Lead - Business Development
AMC Consultants
Mark is a mining engineer with more than 40 years experince. His technical expertise lies in the design and operation of open pit mines. Mark has broad experience in mining operations in both planning and management roles over a period of 18 years. In these roles, he was responsible for ore reserve reporting, equipment selection and specification, pit design, scheduling and budgeting and operations management. During 20 years as a consultant with AMC, Mark has managed feasibility studies in Australia, Mozambique, Finland, Russia and Central African Republic for gold, platinum, base metals, uranium, magnetite, phosphate and mineral sands projects.
Drivers of Project Development in a Commodity deficient world
The global commodities markets for battery-grade materials are in a state of flux and facing a period of sustained challenge and uncertainty due to Environmental, Social and Political issues. While disruptions to base metals/mineral markets have been less severe than those experienced in other markets, such as energy and some food commodities, there has still been significant disruption to production and trading of metals used for battery-grade materials in electric vehicles. Sanctions and supply interruptions have affected prices, which have risen sharply, and unleashed a series of knock-on consequences. Our view is that adapting to changing environments to meet supply and demand challenges has become the key driver of the industry. Meeting ESG obligations while optimizing projects and meeting increasingly rigorous reporting standards is part of all projects and it is essential to have a holistic view of the entire value chain. Under these circumstances, we believe that a well-structured Pre-Feasibility study has become even more important in the project development cycle, and their results are crucial in directing the ultimate design, operation and success of the project.