Business Development Manager, Europe
CiDRA Minerals Processing
Esko Tahkola, MSc, Lic. Tech., Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, Finland Experience in R&D management of instrumentation & analyzers for process industries with process suppliers for minerals processes (Metso) and pulp and paper processes (Valmet). Since 2004 co-operation with CiDRA in the role of Business Development Manager, Europe and Managing Director for Mesens Oy.
Real time particle size monitoring from every cyclone for optimization of grinding and beneficiation line net metal production
The minerals processing industry is striving to maximize net metal production and secure profitability, but is faced with the continuous dilemma as to how to achieve these goals despite falling ore grades, increasing operational costs, and pressure to invest more in environmental efforts. As ore grades are what they are, the only solutions are process efficiency improvements. The fastest and most cost effective approach is to investment on improvements in process controls to optimize the key process stages. As one can manage only something that is measured and then optimize controls based on these measurements, the need for reliable real time measurements is essential for process performance improvements. This presentation describes the CYCLONEtrac PST real time particle measurement from every cyclone overflow and how that has been utilized for grinding optimization and further for the optimization net metal production of the beneficiation line using NMP methodology (Methodology for Assessing the Benefits of Grind Control Using PST Technology for True On-Line Particle Size Measurement, Maron R., O’Keefe C., Sepulveda, J.). Case studies from several concentrators that have seen significant improvements in net metal production will be shared to illustrate the impact on bottom line performance.