Andrey Gerasimov
Chief Technical Officer
Andrey Gerasimov, technical director of GEOMIX LLC. In 2003 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Engineering and geological support of drilling and blasting operations using computer technologies in the open mining of deposits of ferruginous quartzites." Author and co-author of more than 50 published scientific papers, has several copyright certificates and a patent for the invention "Method for determining the content of a useful component in a blasted rock mass when it is excavated in a quarry." In 2011, he was awarded the title of "Professional Engineer of Russia" in the nomination "Computer Science, Information Networks, Computer Engineering"
Cases of improving the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations based on the use of digital technologies of the MGIS GEOMIX and dispatching systems
GGIS "GEOMIX" is a Russian mining and geological information system for automating the processes of mining production and digitalization of mining and graphic documentation. This is an advanced technology designed to solve a wide range of tasks from explosion simulation to mine planning. The presentation presents a set of cases on automation of drilling and blasting design processes, using the technologies of specialized modules "BVR" and "Blast Modeling". This allows solving a whole range of the most important production tasks related to forecasting emergency situations and assessing the impact of an explosion on neighboring structures, improving the quality of ore extraction, improving the quality of mining planning, reducing economic losses, etc. It should be noted that using GEOMIX technology and integrating modules together with positioning systems on drilling rigs, it can reduce the cost of drilling and drilling from 5 to 15%.