Chief Geologist
Institute of Geotechnologies
Dr. Andrey Chitalin has a PhD degree in Geotectonics and Structural Geology. He has 20 years teaching and research experience in Moscow State University and 25 years of experience in economic geology and reserves estimation in world-class mining companies. He published numerous (>100) research papers in field of geology and minerals of different regions, awarded the sign "Discoverer of the Deposit". Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (MSEG, USA). Member of the International Association of Structural Geologists (IASG)
Geological and structural mapping as the basis for forecasting and searching mineral deposits
Geological targeting as the most effective tool for forecasting and prospecting for ore deposits
Geological targeting is a consistent series of measures to analyze the geological situation, assess the quality and reliability of previously completed work, increase the reliability of the resource assessment of objects, reduce geological risk and, as a result, increase the efficiency of investments in geological exploration. Accumulated geological data, combined with an ever-increasing flow of new materials and developing digital data processing solutions, has made geological targeting one of the main methods for reducing geological risks at the initial stages of work when selecting prospecting and exploration targets. High-quality cameral targeting, supplemented on its basis with field reconnaissance routes performed by experts, makes it possible to more effectively “filter” and rank prospecting areas and select the best of them for prospecting for new deposits, save significant time and financial resources of subsoil users. The geological targeting algorithm, developed and successfully tested by specialists of the Institute of Geotechnologies, in addition to well-known practices, necessarily includes modern methods of structural analysis, automated analysis of lineaments and multispectral analysis of remote sensing materials - satellite images and aerial photographs obtained using UAVs. Geological targeting is effectively implemented in prospecting and exploration projects in Russia and abroad (Kazakhstan, Australia, Georgia)