ERG GeoHub

The cost of a new geological complex for the description, sawing and storage of core material – ERG GeoHub – 320 million tenge. Specialists of ERG Exploration LLP celebrated the Geologist’s Day with the commissioning of an important facility. The opening ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Geology Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Akbarov, Deputy General Director for Projects and Development of the Eurasian Group Ardak Nurazkhanov, representatives of large mining and exploration companies.
What is ERG GeoHub and why is it needed?
The main area of the ERG GeoHub falls on the core storage, where core material is centrally stored and its primary studies are carried out, and they are systematized. Core material or core is a sample of a substance that is taken during drilling for further study.
Having a core storage or similar facility is the world standard in exploration. Since the exploration period is from 6 to 11 years, the core storage is necessary for the preservation of the core and confirmation of the presence of metals when calculating the reserves of deposits. Taking into account the extensive exploration program, ERG is building several core storage facilities in the Kostanay and Aktobe regions. Unlike most core storages in Kazakhstan, ERG GeoHub in Kostanay region also includes a documentary – automated database, including multimedia. Here, the core is sawn, after which the halves of the core are taken for laboratory research. Objects and equipment are selected for work in accordance with international standards (CRIRSCO, JORC) and modern requirements for equipment and safety.
“Our own ERG GeoHub core storage facility gives us the opportunity for structured and reliable storage of core material, confirmation of geological information for any external and internal audit, and additional research if necessary,” said Azamat Shalabaev, CEO of ERG Exploration. – This will allow us to comply with all advanced global standards for geological exploration and increase the efficiency of our work, and therefore the entire ERG group.
The ERG GeoHub can hold about 100,000 linear meters of core. In the sawing room there is a modern automatic core cutting machine with increased speed, which minimizes manual labor and environmental impact. Automated document tables are installed in the core documentation department.
Accounting is carried out electronically using acQuire software.
About 320 million tenge was invested in the construction and equipment of the core storage facility.
Together with the international network of ALS laboratories, a sample preparation workshop was launched in Rudny, where it is planned to promptly prepare all ERG Exploration samples in compliance with all QA/QC quality control requirements.
What is ERG Exploration?
This is Eurasian Resources Group’s own exploration company, established in January 2021 with the aim of replenishing and expanding the mineral resource base of the entire Group. ERG Exploration is engaged in a full cycle of exploration work – from design, field and geophysical work, drilling wells to modeling deposits in 3D format and preparing reports on reserves and resources in accordance with international standards such as KAZRC, JORC. A staff of highly qualified employees has been formed who have already begun developing exploration plans, performing pre-field work and other necessary studies of the exploration assets available in the group.
To implement all the tasks set, ERG Exploration uses innovative technologies: remote sensing of the earth, modern geophysical, geochemical studies based on new technologies, modern drilling methods, as well as the use of artificial intelligence to search for new promising exploration objects.
For the second year ERG Exploration has been drilling on its own. The company has established production bases in Rudny and Khromtau, has high-performance drilling rigs from reputable international manufacturers. The drilling fleet of the company is also equipped with a full range of auxiliary equipment, accommodation, dining cars and equipment for well logging. In 2022, 21,000 linear meters were drilled on our own. The plans are to increase the productivity of drilling to 100,000 linear meters per year. In this regard, the company’s strategy provides for an increase in the number of drilling rigs to 10.