Kazakhstan may introduce new rules for assessing damage in the field of subsoil use

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan proposed to change the rules for assessing damage caused to subsoil during the exploration and production of oil, gas and uranium. The project was posted on the e-government portal for further discussion.
According to the proposal of the ministry, it will be necessary to determine the amount of damage not only upon its discovery, but also after receiving data on the damage caused from the mining companies themselves or government agencies. Only experts can deal with damage assessment, reports of subsoil users will need to be double-checked.
If earlier the amount of damage in value terms was determined by the average cost of selling finished products, now experts will calculate the indicator “from the average cost of price quotations for the reporting period.”
In physical terms, the amount of damage caused to the subsoil still needs to be determined, taking into account the actual losses of uranium and hydrocarbons.