Eurasian Resources Group publishes principles and commitments to reduce its carbon footprint

Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) has confirmed its participation in the global movement to combat climate change. Based on the best world practices, the UN Framework Convention, the Paris Agreement, the company has developed a policy to manage the impact and adaptation of the Group to climate change.
The document includes five key governance principles that will help ensure a sustainable transition to an economy with lower greenhouse gas emissions:
– increasing resilience to climate change;
– reducing the carbon footprint throughout the life cycle of manufactured products;
– inclusion of climate change aspects in the strategy and decision-making process;
– accelerating the transition to a low greenhouse gas emission economy through cooperation with stakeholders and the development of partnerships;
– Increasing the transparency of climate reporting.
“Climate change is an acute problem of our time,” said Serik Shakhazhanov, Director General of the Eurasian Group. – We understand that we can slow down the process of global warming only through collective global efforts and actions. In addition, the mining and metals sectors are facing increasing scrutiny of their carbon footprint from external stakeholders – investors, financial service providers, customers and governments. Therefore, we aim to create an effective system for managing the Group’s activities in the context of climate change. Policy development is an important step towards reducing your carbon footprint.
For more information on ERG’s impact management and climate change adaptation policy, please visit our website here.