Kazakhstan Develops Energy Efficiency Concept

The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan, along with JSC “Institute of Electric Power and Energy Saving,” has embarked on developing the Concept of Energy Efficiency in the sphere of energy development for 2023-2030. This initiative is part of the Head of State’s protocol order to modify energy policy and advance the economy’s energy efficiency.
The goal of this concept is to create favourable circumstances for reducing the country’s GDP and improving energy efficiency by decreasing energy consumption and minimizing non-productive resource usage in priority sectors. To develop this document, international partners such as the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ, the EU program “Support of the European Union in ensuring sustainable energy cooperation in Central Asia SECCA,” the United Nations development program, and the Japanese agency JICA have been engaged.
The implementation of this concept is expected to reduce energy resource costs in priority industrial sectors and decrease energy consumption in the public sector and housing and communal services while improving the profitability, competitiveness, and environmental footprint of industrial enterprises.