Kazzinc reduced total zinc production by 12% in 2022

The mining and metallurgical giant Kazzinc, owned by Swiss trader Glencore and mining state holding TauKen Samruk, reduced its own production of metallic zinc by 15% in 2022. This data follows from the production report for the last year, published on the website of the foreign corporation. The output of zinc from Kazzinc‘s own raw materials in 2022 was 125.7 thousand tons, compared to 147.9 thousand tons in 2021. The overall output of zinc products at Kazzinc last year, taking into account the processing of thirdparty raw materials, amounted to 256.9 thousand tons, which is 12% less than the level of 2021 at 291.4 thousand tons. The output of gold, due to the significant use of thirdparty raw materials, was almost maintained at the same level as in 2021. The production of the precious metal decreased in annual terms by only 1% and amounted to 912 thousand ounces, or 28.4 tons, compared with 925 thousand ounces a year earlier. The extraction of the precious metal from Kazzinc‘s own resources was 8% less than in 2021, when 595 thousand ounces, or 18.5 tons of gold, were obtained from its own raw materials. Kazzinc reduced its electricity consumption last year by 4.5% in annual terms. It is possible that part of the goldbearing raw materials of the company was sent for processing to the facilities of TauKen Altyn plant in the capital. This follows from the fact that 55.6 tons of gold out of the total volume of 129.5 tons of mined raw gold was refined last year in Kazakhstan. Overall, Kazzinc managed to reduce the production of zinc and gold, while almost maintaining the level of gold production due to the use of thirdparty raw materials. The company also reduced its electricity consumption, making it more energyefficient.