Comprehensive plan for Abai Region development

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Social and Economic Development of the Abai Region for 2023–2027, which involves an investment of 1.9 trillion tenge. The draft Comprehensive Plan consists of 9 areas and 102 activities that provide for the implementation of projects in various sectors. The total investment for 2023–2027 amounts to 1.9 trillion tenge, including 515 billion tenge from the republican budget, 110 billion tenge from the local budget, 1.3 trillion tenge from private investment, and 22 billion tenge from the “Education Infrastructure Support Fund,” said Minister of Economy Alibek Kuantirov at a government meeting. The minister said that the draft comprehensive plan includes a number of measures for the development of industry, such as the construction of a mining and processing plant and the industrial development of the Aidarly copper deposit, 6 production facilities, as well as large–scale exploration and geological surveys to identify minerals.
In order to develop housing and communal services and infrastructure in the city of Semey and other cities, as well as rural settlements, it is planned to build a CHP–3, reconstruct heat sources and points, power supply and water supply networks. If these measures are implemented, by 2027 industrial growth is predicted to be 55.8%, with investments in fixed assets increasing 3.5 times and output from small and medium–sized businesses by 85.6%. Residents of the village will be 100% covered with drinking water, and the level of roads in good and satisfactory condition will be 97%. In total, more than 14,000 new jobs will be created,” Kuantirov said. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alikhan Smailov, instructed the Ministry of National Economy and the regional akimat, together with relevant state bodies, to ensure the timely and high–quality implementation of the measures of the comprehensive plan.