The Ministry of Finance announced the additional amount that will be required to fulfill the instructions of the President

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced that additional financial resources, to the amount of 1 trillion tenge, will be required to fulfill the instructions of the President of the Republic.

According to Vice Minister of Finance Tatyana Savelyeva, these funds are necessary to support political and constitutional reforms, as well as the economy in general. The Ministry has already begun making adjustments to the Republican budget in order to include these extra funds. By January 23rd, administrators must submit their budget requests and in early March, the Ministry of Finance plans to submit amendments to the Parliament. This extra money is also necessary for such national projects as holding direct elections of akims of districts and cities and other issues set out by the Presidents message, election program and other issues.

Lastly, it was previously announced that 33.4 billion tenge would be needed to hold elections to the Majilis and maslikhats of all levels within this budget.