Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov tasks the Government to expand the pool of new industrial projects in Kazakhstan

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov set priority tasks for the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development for the coming period during a meeting of the Board of the Ministry.
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev reported that by the end of 2022, the growth in the industrial sector amounted to 1.1%. In particular, in the manufacturing sector, the volume of production grew by 3.4%. Almost all other sectors also recorded growth.
Thus, 160 projects worth 2 trillion tenge were implemented with the creation of 14.4 thousand jobs. Key projects for the production of flat glass in Kyzylorda region, polypropylene in Atyrau region, automobile tires in Karaganda region and aluminum cans in Shymkent were launched. In addition, the production capacity of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in the Zhambyl region was doubled.
During the meeting of the board, the participants discussed plans for the further development of industry, construction, transport and geological industries, as well as measures in the field of housing and communal services.
In his speech, the Prime Minister noted that the Ministry this year faces a number of important tasks that meet the challenges of our time. So, according to him, it is necessary to give impetus to the development of the mining industry and intensify work on the creation of new industries in the manufacturing industry.
“It is unacceptable to reduce the pace of diversification of the economy. We are faced with the task of ensuring sustainable GDP growth of the country at the level of about 4-5% annually. In this regard, the Ministry, together with regional akimats, needs to expand the pool of industrial projects, including for 2023. At the same time, the emphasis should be placed on import substitution,” Alikhan Smailov said.
He added that in this work it is also important to take into account the development of single-industry towns, where new enterprises can provide additional employment for the population.
Turning to the next topic, the Head of Government pointed out that Kazakhstanis have great complaints about the quality of roads, including the repair work carried out on them.
“Problems often reappear in repaired areas. It seems that the repair is done not for people, but for the road workers themselves. It is necessary to keep this issue, Marat Karimzhanovich (Karabayev is the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan), under special control and develop a set of measures that will effectively solve this problem,” Alikhan Smailov emphasized.
He added that effective planning, implementation of EPCM contracts, strengthening of technical supervision, digitalization, etc. are of great importance in this matter.
At the meeting, the Prime Minister also outlined the importance of further work on the integration of the transport system of Kazakhstan with international corridors, which will allow the republic to strengthen the status of one of the key “transit hubs” in the region, as well as the development of the ports of Aktau and Kuryk, the creation of a logistics hub on the basis of the Seaport Aktau FEZ, the transformation of KTZ, the construction of railways and the renewal of rolling stock.
At the same time, according to him, it is necessary to ensure the achievement of all planned indicators in housing construction and modernization of engineering infrastructure.
In conclusion, the Prime Minister instructed to accelerate the commissioning of the KAZNEDRA information platform into commercial operation, automate functions on a single platform of subsoil users, take exhaustive measures to improve the efficiency of special economic zones by introducing a new model of their functioning and support domestic enterprises in terms of providing raw materials and marketing finished products.