Kazakhstan wants to establish mandatory requirements for the provision of raw materials

Kazakhstan wants to establish mandatory requirements for the provision of raw materials, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development reports.
“To solve this problem, we propose to establish mandatory requirements for the provision of raw materials. Namely, to oblige subsoil users to provide raw materials through amendments to the Code “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use”. In case of default, strict measures will be taken. In particular, the revocation of licenses for subsoil use, the termination of contracts for subsoil use, as well as the application of a penalty in the amount of the totality of the unfulfilled obligation to provide raw materials,” Iranian Vice Minister Sharkhan said.
According to him, with the systematic work on the provision of raw materials by concluding voluntary tripartite agreements between the producer, the processor and the ministry, a number of problems arise. In particular, large enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex refuse to conclude voluntary agreements.
“Also, for processors, as counter obligations, representatives of the department propose to make it mandatory to purchase the declared volume of raw materials and its 100% processing with the release of goods of medium and upper processing,” the department noted.