Council of Domestic Entrepreneurs raised issues of the development of Kazakhstan’s mining and metallurgical sector

The business community, together with NCE RK Atameken, took part in the Council of Domestic Entrepreneurs chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, where they raised issues of the development of the mining and metallurgical sector.
“The issues of the MMC were considered at the last Council. We in the Chamber pay serious attention to this sector, which is represented not only by large, but also by medium and small businesses. The potential of the industry is absolutely great, and our goal is to increase investment attractiveness and establish a clear model for its development. We have now consolidated large, medium and small businesses, those involved in geology within the Chamber, and for our part expressed our readiness to participate in the formation of a concept and a comprehensive development plan, to help government agencies with our expert potential. We are glad that the Government has thoroughly studied our proposals, there are positive aspects.”Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE RK “Atameken” Raimbek Batalov
During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Legal Entities “Republican Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Tau-Ken Kazakhstan Mining Industry” Aibar Dautov, spoke about the need for an industry development document. The speaker noted that there is no mention of subsoil in the current system of state planning.
“This year, a Republican referendum was held to amend the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the most important adopted amendments established that the subsoil belongs to the people of Kazakhstan. In the development of this amendment to the Constitution, it is advisable to develop a separate independent national priority: “Development of the subsoil as a driver of economic growth and improving the welfare of the people of Kazakhstan”Aibar Dautov
This will raise tasks from the level of a separate ministry to the level of the supervising Deputy Prime Minister and help balance the efforts of the Government.
The issues of coal generation, environmental regulation, taxation, in particular, the lack of stability of tax legislation, which significantly limits the investment potential of the MMC, were also raised.
“Today, the issue of installing automatic monitoring systems (AMS) is very acute for enterprises in the mining and metallurgical sector. The relevant provision of the Environmental Code came into force on January 1, 2023, and for failure to fulfill the obligation to install ACM, enterprises face severe sanctions, up to and including suspension of activities. Many companies, due to logistical changes and a number of objective reasons, are not able to install ACM within the time frame stipulated in the Environmental Code. Therefore, we asked for the deadlines to be postponed, to provide for individual schedules. In addition, the ACM installation should be in line with the currently developed best available techniques (BAT) guides.”Nikolai Radostovets, Chairman of the Committee for Geological Industry, Mining, Coal Mining and Metallurgical Industry of the Presidium of NCE RK “Atameken”
According to the chairman of the committee, the companies provided the authorized state body with up-to-date information on the expected timing of the supply of equipment for ACM and outlined realistic plans for completing this work.
In a separate block, the Government heard the issues of investment attractiveness of geology and subsoil use. The business community proposes to declassify the reports, as well as to explore the possibility of conducting regional work using airborne geophysical and other modern research methods to obtain up-to-date and highly accurate data on the subsoil.
Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Geological Industry of the Presidium of NCE RK “Atameken” Azamat Shalabaev focused on the problem of digitalization, which is present in three key areas: providing access to geological information, spatial data, procedures and business processes.
“It is necessary to speed up work on the creation of an industry-specific digital platform in order to provide online access to geological information, an interactive (digital) map on geology and subsoil use, as well as automate the business processes of subsoil users”Azamat Shalabaev