Space monitoring contributes to strengthening control over subsoil use

Source: Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (In Russian)
Space monitoring will be introduced to control the activities of subsoil users. Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dinara Shcheglova told about this at a meeting with the population of Pavlodar region.
Pavlodar residents are concerned about the situation in the field of subsoil use. According to the residents of the region, the procedure for state control in the Code “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use” is regulated at an insufficient level. “Due to incomplete control, subsoil users sometimes get away with many points regarding fines and other administrative responsibility,” local residents say. According to D. Shcheglova, today the above law is being reviewed. In particular, amendments are envisaged in terms of strengthening supervision over the activities of subsoil users.
“Now digital technologies should be introduced in this direction and a special portal will be launched, in which all information will be available. Changes will also be made to the control procedure. In turn, space monitoring contributes to strengthening control over the development of subsoil. As you know, in the East Kazakhstan region there were cases when subsoil users went beyond the established territory and started land development separately from geological exploration. The National Company “Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary” provides the necessary data to the MIIR RK. We have provided a list of all companies that have a license to conduct exploration and development of subsoil, and a designated area. Accordingly, relevant information is provided. As noted above, a special commission will be appointed for the East Kazakhstan region and appropriate checks will be carried out,” said D. Shcheglova.
It should be noted that in the Pavlodar region in the fields of engineering, petrochemistry and the mining sector, active work is underway. The enterprises of this region give priority to the development of production in a modern context, especially based on digital technologies. Thus, it was possible to optimize the production process and increase high labor productivity. So, since 2018, about 30 projects worth about 5 billion tenge have been implemented in the region. It is also planned to implement 3 more projects in 2024. They are aimed at automating the dispatching unit of the energy saving management, as well as improving the readiness for certification of employees using a computer simulator.
In addition, D. Shcheglova told Pavlodar residents that it is planned to activate the country’s construction industry and increase work efficiency through the e-Qurylys digital system. In turn, the intelligent transport system will improve the control and quality of roads under construction, as well as optimize the process of cargo transportation.