An information system in the field of geology and subsoil use will be created in Kazakhstan

Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serikkali Brekeshev, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Kairbek Uskenbaev, Vice Minister of Energy Askhat Khasenov made presentations on this issue.
According to the Ministry of Ecology, Kazakhstan is among the top ten leading countries in the world in terms of proven reserves of most types of minerals. At the same time, due to the intensive mining of minerals, the key challenge facing the geological industry is the low replenishment of reserves.
In this regard, it is required to intensify the state geological study of the subsoil, which is one of the main methods for identifying promising areas and objects for subsequent transfer to subsoil use.
On behalf of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev, the National Geological Service was established in Kazakhstan to develop geological science and provide raw materials for the manufacturing industry. The direction “Development of the geological industry” is provided within the framework of the National project “Sustainable economic growth aimed at improving the welfare of Kazakhstanis”.
According to S. Brekeshev, geological additional study of areas, geological and mineralogical and deep geological mapping are currently being carried out.
“According to the existing plans, by 2026, the exploration of the territory of Kazakhstan will increase by 680 thousand square kilometers. and will be increased to 2.2 million sq. km,” – said S. Brekeshev.
After listening to the speakers, the Prime Minister noted that Kazakhstan occupies a leading position in the world in terms of reserves of many minerals, and the extractive sector of the economy provides about 30% of GDP.
“It is necessary to constantly carry out work to search for and replenish the mineral resource base of the country. That is why geology plays a very important role in this matter. For the development of geology, a facilitated licensing for the search for solid minerals has been introduced. Conditions have been created for small exploration companies,” said Alikhan Smailov.
In his opinion, the maximum study of the country’s territory, the elimination of administrative barriers will actively promote the development of extractive industries and, as a result, increase the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan. In general, the country has a scientific and institutional base, all conditions are being created for the development of the geological industry.
The Head of Government noted the need to create an information system in the field of geology and subsoil use, which would simplify the access of investors to geological information. The Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, together with the Ministries of Digital Development, Energy and Industry, was instructed to take measures to develop and implement the KAZNEDRA platform by the end of this year.
Also, according to Alikhan Smailov, timely updating of the State Subsoil Fund Management Program is required, which allows obtaining the right to exploration and production. The Ministry of Industry, together with the Ministries of Energy and Ecology, was instructed to include in the Program the entire territory of the republic available for subsoil use within a month.
“The procedures for extending existing contracts for subsoil use take a significant amount of time. These procedures need to be simplified,” A. Smailov noted, instructing the Ministry of Industry, together with the Ministries of Energy, Ecology, Finance, National Economy, to develop specific measures to reduce administrative barriers within two weeks, as well as digitize this public service.
The Head of Government noted that environmentalists, deputies and public organizations regularly raise the issue of pollution of the large and unique groundwater deposit “Kokzhide” in the Aktobe region.
In this regard, the Ministry of Energy was instructed to work out the issues of limiting subsoil use within the boundaries of this water deposit, and the Ministry of Ecology to strengthen monitoring of the availability and condition of all groundwater in the republic.