Investment Projects Pallas Acquires Significant Sediment-Hosted Copper Portfolio in Kazakhstan 14/02/2023 1254
Investment Projects Kazakhmys is investing in the construction of mining and processing plants at Aydarly and Koksay deposits 08/02/2023 3497
Investment Projects Sarytogan Graphite’s positive results from its 2022 drilling in central Kazakhstan 30/01/2023 2386
Investment Projects Ferro-Alloy Resources expects to be operationally profitable in 2023 30/01/2023 766
Investment Projects East Star Resources announces significant discovery at its Kazakhstan property 25/01/2023 865
Investment Projects Arras intercepts 365m @ 0.88 % CuEq, incl. 64m @ 2.62 % CuEq at Beskauga, Kazakhstan 24/01/2023 1018
Investment Projects Development of the Batalinskoye and Krasnoarmeyskoye copper ore deposits 10/01/2023 299
Investment Projects Construction of the MMC on Beshokinskaya Square in the Karaganda region 09/01/2023 299
Investment Projects Construction of a metallurgical complex for the production of pig iron in the Mangystau region 09/01/2023 408
Investment Projects Construction of a complex for the production of barite concentrate in the Mangystau region 09/01/2023 340
Investment Projects Industrial development of the copper deposit at the Zhaysan deposit 09/01/2023 344
Investment Projects Industrial development of non-ferrous and precious metals deposits in the East Kazakhstan region 09/01/2023 343
Investment Projects Mining and processing of nickel-cobalt ores of the Bugetkol deposit 09/01/2023 349
Investment Projects Construction of a mining and processing plant for the production of manganese concentrate 09/01/2023 311
Investment Projects Extraction and processing of rare metal ores of the Drozhilovsky deposit 09/01/2023 289
Investment Projects Construction of the mining, chemical and metallurgical complex “Tymlay” 09/01/2023 274
Investment Projects Construction of a hydrometallurgical plant for the production of cathode copper in East Kazakhstan region 09/01/2023 269
Investment Projects Development of Zhezdybassay copper ore deposits in Mangystau region 09/01/2023 284
Investment Projects Development of the Alexandrovskoye zinc-copper deposit in East Kazakhstan region 19/01/2023 408
Investment Projects Extraction and processing of cobalt-nickel ores from the Shevchenkovskoye deposit 19/01/2023 293
Investment Projects Creation of a cluster for the production of materials based on the limestone deposit “Baiterek” 19/01/2023 295
Investment Projects Construction of a hydrometallurgical plant for the production of cathode nickel and cobalt 10/01/2023 365
Investment Projects Extraction and processing of rare earth metals of the Kundybai deposit 19/01/2023 351
Investment Projects Development of the Atygay gold deposit with the production of doré alloy 19/01/2023 348
Investment Projects Increase in the resource base and expansion of gold production in the Tobolsk area of deposits 21/12/2022 292