Extraction and processing of cobalt-nickel ores from the Shevchenkovskoye deposit

Source: Kazakh Invest
- Indicator Results
- Investment amount, thousand US dollars 250 000
- NPV of the Project thousand, US dollars 175 989
- IRR, % 19,3%
- IBITDA yield, % 71%
- Payback period, years 7,5
- Discounted payback period, years - - 11,7
Project Description
extraction and processing of cobalt-nickel ores from the Shevchenkovskoye deposit
according to a 2005 estimate from Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd., the reserves of the Shevchenko deposit amount to 104.4 million tons of ore containing an average of 0.79% nickel and 0.045% cobalt
Potential sales markets
Kazakhstan, China
Market prerequisites:
Rising metal prices – According to S&P Capital IQ forecasts, nickel prices will increase by 23.9% from $ 12,985 per ton in 2018 to $ 16,094 per ton in 2022. Cobalt prices will increase by 1.6% from $ 82,695 per ton in 2018 to $ 84,018 per ton in 2022.
Growing demand for metal – The development of industries (production of electronic devices, medical equipment and electric vehicles) using nickel batteries will ensure long-term demand for metal. According to the WBMS, in 2017, the shortage of refined nickel on the world market amounted to about 96 thousand tons. According to Palisade and Macquarie, the demand for cobalt will grow by 5.1% annually over the next 5 years.
Export potential – In 2015, China was a consumer of 65% of the world’s cobalt and nickel products. With the rapidly developing market of electronic devices and electric vehicles, China’s own reserves of cobalt and nickel are being depleted.
Description of the deposit
Proven reserves of categories C1 and C2
Indicator | Quantity, tons |
Ore | 104,4 million |
Confirmed | 21,4 million |
Possible | 83 million |
Nickel | 825 thousand (0,79%) |
Cobalt | 47 thousand (0,0455) |
- Mining at the Shevchenkovskoye mine can be carried out by an open method since the depth of ore deposits reaches 40 m.
- Extraction of nickel and cobalt by hydrometallurgical and electric melting methods is 90-95% for nickel and 85-90% for cobalt.